Hidden Humanity
In the spring of 2016 I set out with an outreach group with the intent of photographing the homeless within their environment. I knew that it would take time to develop trust (in my case, five months before taking a single image). But doing so helped define the project and the portraits themselves: originally, I envisioned full-length portraits, but soon found myself closing in on their faces, their expressions. I realized I wanted to present these portraits as images of individuals, not stereotypes.
Remembering the forgotten
Every year on Winter Solstice, the team from Matt Urban holds a candlelit memorial ceremony to remember and honor the lives of those who passed during that year. This year, the names of the deceased were read aloud, followed by other forms of expression and sympathy (a trumpeter played Taps; a woman read aloud a poem she had written). It was a windy and frigid night, but some of the candles held their flame.