Jeremiah (known as "Jerry") wakes up from under an overpass. People on their way to work park nearby. He gets up and gets to work too. It’s a seven-day search to satisfy his addiction to heroin, which he estimates costs between $80 and $100 per day. But heroin doesn’t get him high anymore. As with any other addictive substance, it’s now a need, a means to normalcy. However, since the drug is often mixed with fillers, the sensation doesn’t last long, sending him out again: Panhandle, purchase, inject...three to four times a day, seven days a week. A welder by trade and a father, Jeremiah has been waiting for more than a year to get into a methadone clinic.
UB Heals
UB Heals is an outreach group through the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at the University of Buffalo: twice a week, medical students and interns team up with a case worker from Matt Urban and other certified medical professionals (including doctors, nurses and/or physicians assistants) to provide free medical care and follow-up to those who are homeless.